Florida Disclaimer

The practice of medicine is regulated at the state level.  Unlike many other states, the State of Florida does not currently issue licenses to naturopathic doctors.  Though Brooke McNeal, N.D. holds a license to practice naturopathic medicine in the State of Vermont (099.0129311), she is neither a licensed ND nor licensed healthcare provider in the State of Florida.  Therefore, her services in Florida are in a consulting and educational capacity only.

Consultations services are based on published literature pertinent to the client’s health concerns.  This information review may include literature on homeopathy, diet, exercise, nutrients, home hydrotherapy, and other resources for self-care.  Guidance will be provided to help clients formulate their own health plan, based on their individual needs.

Services provided by Brooke McNeal, N.D. are not a replacement for medical care from a licensed healthcare provider.  No medical care including physical exams, diagnostic tests, diagnosis, or treatment will be provided directly by Brooke McNeal, N.D.